Governance statement
Agreed the future strategic direction of school, in consultation with the Local Authority
With the Headteacher, reviewed the staffing structure in the school office and recruited two new members of staff.
Introduction and monitoring of a new Maths Scheme (White Rose), has led to a more structured curriculum coverage (content and skills). This has led to improved outcomes at age expected standards in July 2023. The focus for 2023-4 will be to maintain these outcomes and improve % of those achieving higher levels.
Meetings with a selection of foundation subject leaders (P.E, Science, Music and PSHE) validated the schools recent work on curriculum intent and gave indicators of the work that has begun in curriculum organisation, implementation.
Work on curriculum remains a key focus for 2023-2024.
Maintained a tight but balanced budget.
Replaced windows along one full side of the school buildings for energy efficiency and safety reasons.
Replaced old external outdoor play equipment.
Appointed new Chair of Governors and Vice Chair. Used Governor Mark criteria to review roles, responsibilities and duties of the Governing Body